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Quais são os grupos nominais, núcleos e modificadores nas frases:
01. In every company, Human Resources (HR) training in many employee-related and legally-related topics is mandatory, especially for managers and supervisors.
02. Prioritize employee recognition to ensure a positive, productive, organizational climate.
03. In an earlier, popular article, I gave you a strategic planning framework, samples, and examples for creating your organization’s mission statement, vision statement, values, and goals.
04. Full and active executive support, effective communication, employee involvement, thorough organizational planning and competitive analysis, and widespread perceived need for the strategic planning
05. “They then trained at 37 of the schools in the “Life Skills Training Program”, a curriculum designed by Cornell researchers to teach students the communication, decision-making and critical-thinking skills needed to resist the pressure to use drugs”. Extracted from American health, 26 November 1998.
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